Wound Center of Tucson

Wound Center of Tucson

Venous Leg Ulcers

Venous leg ulcers, also called Venous stasis ulcers, are a common problem for many adults.  They arise from poor circulation, blood clots, or trauma. Increased blood pressure in the veins damages their valves, and this leads blood to pool, and even leak.  The overlying skin may become very fragile, and even minor bumps or scratches can lead to large, open wounds.  Unfortunately, venous leg ulcers often progress to chronic wounds that are painful, tender, and debilitating.

Many factors can increase your risk of developing a venous leg ulcer, including:

  • Obesity
  • Limited ambulation
  • Previous blood clot in the leg veins
  • Varicose veins
  • Previous leg injuries or fractures
  • Previous leg surgery, such as hip or knee replacement
  • Advanced age
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